Learn How To Close Like An Expert
The Accredited Closing Expert (A.C.E.) series of courses are a fun, no nonsense group of classes on how to be elite in your industry. You will learn how the most successful real estate professionals think and the techniques they use to build a strong and thriving business, presented in a setting that’s exciting and informative. Throw out any of your pre-existing expectations and approach our classes knowing that you’ll emerge with the skills to not lose deals and get more offers accepted.
Because real estate is such a broad field, we have a wide range of classes and topics for agents of any level. Regardless of your skill level you will get something out of these classes as we are not rehashing the same things you have heard time and time again. We are bringing a new and fresh approach to dealing with the problems faced by real agents in the modern real estate environment.
Learn the powers of negotiation, persuasion, running your business like a well-oiled machine, listing, investing, customer motivation, overcoming objections, working with buyers, setting and reaching goals; regardless of which class you take you will learn how to become an expert in your field with a list of satisfied and loyal customers to insure your future success.
After completing our courses, you'll know how to work with customers every step of the way, from that first “hello, how are you” meeting to that nice commission check signaling a mighty fine job well done.
Here we will teach you not just how to close deals, but how to close customers for life!